Worldwide Trends in Covid-19

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This series of visualizations helps illustrate trends in Covid-19 since January 1, 2020. It helps users gain an understanding of the trajectory of the virus (in terms of cases, deaths, hospitalizations, etc.) as well as society's response to and handling of the crisis. Users are also able to draw relationships between a society's policies and its Covid-19 outcomes.

There are two data sources for this project:

In addition, the country polygons, in GeoJSON, were taken from and simplified using mapshaper, reducing the file size from 23 MB to 9 MB.

Definitions of all of the attributes are given at the bottom of the page. Note that, for ordinal variables, in cases where policies vary within a country (e.g., mask-mandates, etc.), the strictest value is chosen, combined with the suffix "-Local". Nation-wide policies have the suffix "-National".

Latest data on for selected countries ():

Definitions of attributes used above

The following attributes and their definitions come from the data sources cited in the introduction at the top of the page. As mentioned above, for ordinal variables, in cases where policies vary within a country (e.g., mask-mandates, etc.), the strictest value is chosen, combined with the suffix "-Local". Nation-wide policies have the suffix "-National".

Cases & Deaths




Aggregate Indices

Containment Policies

Economic Policies

Health Policies
